The story of Face Off OG begins in the late 1990s in California when Archive Seeds was gifted with the seeds of an exceptional OG Kush phenotype. This 70/30 indica-dominant hybrid shares its name with the 1997 movie in which Nicolas Cage and John Travolta literally swap faces . Grows dense flowers that are absolutely beautiful, and a pleasure to experience.
Face off OG x High octane OG Crossback (regular Photo)The story of Face Off OG begins in the late 1990s in California when Archive Seeds was gifted wi..
Face off Nana Knock out x High octane OG Crossback(Face off #2, and Banana OG #2, High octaneOG)The story of Face Off OG begins in the late 1990s in C..
Fruity skunk Runtz #2 (Cream soma #1 x Fruity pebbles #1)Fruity skynk Runtz is a combination of Cream Soma, and my Fruity pebbles strain.Cream Soma is..